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No Name Area

April 18, 2013

I can say I do hate America.  Not the land, or the people.  Not the propagandized ideas of yore, false and misleading as they have been revealed to be.  I grow to hate the implication.  The overbearing, continual application of label, of insinuation of pride, or difference where none exists, or of importance and ever branching eventualities.  Stemming from what is known to naturally occur when you instill man with any and all excuses for self sure comparisons and thus, competition with one another.

When you think of America, of solidarity, of national pride, of communal essence.  What are you cataloguing?  A country’s universal, but border-bound humanity, or wherewithal?  Do you witness acts of kindness, of a uniqueness, or of raw humanity as exists naturally, in all men, independent of labels?

Is a recipe from your hometown, or a remembrance of joy from particular environmental features of youth and experience, righteous reasoning enough for dividing lines?  Need I interject with an adjective as trite but apt as ‘arbitrary?’  What aspect of neighborliness is amplified by codifying location or ancient battle banner into something American?

Is love here stronger?  Is hate stronger still?  Are we lacking in ingenuity or perseverance with out geographical or psuedoidealogical parameters?  I don’t think the presupposition that I could not, would not, should not, strive for brotherhood, togetherness, and harmony without hypnosis, or guided fixation, suits me well.  Nor shall it suit well, the people it insults, and hamstrings.  Distracting a body with aspects of identity that mean to seperate, to be thrust upon them from ages past, is the antithesis of progress.

To be rallied under another’s label, another’s idea, another’s will, and thus another’s cause, begs the question, to what end?  If we cannot decipher what being uniquely American has gotten us thus far, can we divine our direction then?

Do we hope to be Americans among non-Americans, worldwide?  To cling to an artifice of label, for some unknown or ethereal reason?  To keep near the surface, those old stirred tensions of divides and all they bring to the heart of man?  Do we chomp at the bit, are we tied to the chariot of domination, is America to be escalated to some height?  What is the observer to discern either way? Pride goes in two directions.

What is the most it can instill or enable in us, and is it worth the worst it can present us as to another?  I suppose one hasn’t  always got to plan for as many externalities as possible in ones every move.  Then again, I suppose the moves of individuals don’t tend to hinge on as much importance or exert as much influence as those of a nation or state.

I can see no American speciality or sovereignty in principle today.  Certainly none worth continuing only due to spirit, in an increasingly globally connected society.

Say America has the fastest ambulance, should this be the domain of only the lucky enough to be born or live here?  Say American vegetables are the most nutritious in the world, should her people alone partake?  Shall we lead the way only in advertising ourselves, and not in being exemplary human beings?  Can we not be an exemplary example of what such a laudable nation could or should be?

Clearly all our pride and ego does not even feed, or attend to medical need of our own people, but the implication still exists, that even if we did, it would be a self contained charity.  For us and by us, so to speak.  Shall we believe that a small portion of our pride donated to charity this way should suffice for the so called greatest nation?

I can’t think of a single person ‘just getting by.’  Most people are either embroiled in useless toil, or indifferent to the causes and effects of their life, and their employment.  Participating in American governmental and/or economic practices, under a ‘good enough for now,’ or ‘better than the alternative’ mindset is a fools errand, a waste.  In other words, the perpetuation of the status quo, halfhearted sacrifice on behalf of only the subjugated, with no real compromise or foresight, is arrogant, ignorant, or both.  Never neither.

Of what use is a loud national anthem, or the loudest, if it seeds inspiration only in those it sings of?  What use indeed, outside blind indoctrination.  So we are American, for better, but far too often, for worse.

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