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Effective Marketing

April 16, 2013

The average household or business or farm resisted wage systems for as long as they could. It was of no benefit to them, only to those doling out wages. No matter how robust the illusion, the “Free Market” remains an illusion. The freedom to compete is not freedom, it is a gladiatorial bout at behest of economic emperor, for his table scraps.

Trading labor for universal currency eliminates your need and ability to make choices. Everything now revolves around capital transfer, and not actual social interaction. One surmises this is the “social” in socialism that the capitalist fears.

Does it even make sense to be remotely ok with being a consumer in a world of such obvious guile? How can a reasonably facultied man or woman patronize a business that has any product tier outside of “Premium.” The pure insult of labeling a product with “Great Value,” as opposed to instilling this through marketing, if we are to be marketed to at all.

How is the obviousness of profit motive over consumer satisfaction not off-putting still? What a divide industry has crossed, like religions tragic flaw, of good behavior stemming from threat of eternal damnation. Capitalisms promise of personal gain at expense of all others, and as end result of all else, over harmony or real mutual benefit, is its most obvious moral or ethical flaw.

Is it merely painful to observe a cultures decline, or is a culture being painfully, forcefully applied on top of us? Are values eroded, or erased? I believe if there were a point of no return, it would be moot, as there is no salient plan, even on the part of the most elite or apparently in control. The very nature of todays conditions are a testament to a lack of foresight.

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