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Holy Unholiness

June 12, 2013

What is the case for punishing or ostracizing those that wish to “harm America?”

No law, no country, no man is carved in stone.  There is no holy precipice upon which the United States teeters.  Despite mass hysteria, and guilting done by those in power, we are free to hate, expose, shame, and lambast American policy, people, and spirit to our heart’s content.

Supposing the shambles of our corrupt republic that masquerades as democratic, contains even a shred of self-evidence for its existence, supposing it is even a shadow of what it purports, should it not be strong enough to endure criticism?

Over and over turns the debate regarding the nature and spirit of true patriotism.  Intelligent, reasonable folks try stating the obvious, that holding leaders and officials accountable to the people, is the essence of American patriotism.  Failing this, reasonable folks attempt to interject the idea that quite frankly, even labeling accountability as ‘patriotic’ is problematic, because nationalism is little more than divisive on its best day.  We needn’t be Americans, or patriots, or follow a constitution to make reasoned choices about our freedom and our future.

So where lies the outrage over possessing an opinion about the history, condition, and momentum of human beings locally or globally?  Being anti-American doesn’t mean you hate America and want to destroy it, in the sense that you intend to kill, or maim, or plunder.  An anti-American stance simply means you have an opinion about America, as opposed to being told what America should mean to you.

Being anti-capitalist doesn’t mean you are a communist, or an anarchist, it means you have an opinion regarding the imposition that exists when pursuit of capital is taken for granted as holier than a mans soul.  It means you have given some thought to the idea that competition and profit might not be the route to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

This is the true state of affairs for the time being.  When governments commit genocide in collusion with business, when business supplants human beings as the constituents of government, when truth surfaces amid lies, we aren’t fighting over facts.  We are fighting the suppression of expression, the ability to have an opinion.  We are aghast that anybody could possess differing faculties than our own, or alternative priorities.  We’re fighting over matters of life and death, but we’re only upset over matters of taste.

Admitting you’re wrong is one thing, but admitting you have shitty taste, well, that would just be embarrassing.

Yet I wonder truly… is America really still in vogue?

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