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Incoherent Rant Concerning The Nature of A Republic

April 14, 2013

You occupy the role you’re allowed.  You forget that.  Being allowed a modicum of translucency convinces you otherwise.  This is folly.

Where can I begin, when everything is wrong?  Pollution, poison, greed, lust, power, death, destruction.  This is our pastime, our currency.

You’d like examples.  I know you are very busy.  The abstract disturbs the regimented mind.  You want examples badly.  To fight or hate, or on a long-shot to agree with.

Any industry which pollutes, and most industry in general, need not exist.  Let us be frank.  We shall always burn, and mill, and dye and use.  On a large scale, the necessity is illusory.  Where is community, labor locality, and versatility?  Can we not instead foster and encourage communal independence or self-reliance of groups of interested peoples, over indentured servitude to corporation?

Is this not the siren song of todays patriot and socialist alike?  Local and personally responsibility and independence, or opportunity for such?  Especially in light of fact that the new Golden Child, the first to lobby for and the first to achieve recognition, and consideration is now this corporation?  Even our claim to sovereignty in matters of pride in craftsmanship, or progress, or ingenuity, is muted.  We are are eclipsed by a newer child.  Ignored or relegated to practical matters, while spoils and attention are metered out and lavished upon corporation in our stead, by our labor and life.

Even now, America diets.  Not for health, or sustainable ecosystem.  Not for cohabitation.  To look better upon the morrow, where commences duty-bound consumption.  A gallant consumer not only consumes, but looks good doing it, so as to promote the dead as laudable goal in others.  Mere consumption is not enough, many must consume, and enhance through consumption, to prepare for further consuming.  The act is perpetual and self-sustaining.

The deaths of thousands of animals for food and for clothing is surely an oversight given our technological prowess.  The destruction of habitat and our environment is a side effect of a fast waning era.  Right?  The piecemeal factions of science we deign to worship will supplement this wholesale slaughter with new fantastical product and method soon, yes?

No?  We still are marauders, we still spoil our own lands?  Then what does industry produce, what function is it capable, and who does it serve?  Is there a truth in mass production other than novelty and luxury?  Surely man has not founded a socioeconomic value system to be unilaterally imposed on even the yet born, upon a predicate of waste and indulgence.

So for every hypodermic needle produced that needs debate and legislature before it can even potentially inject a cure, into someone that must first slave and travel and, and pay, (by surrendering that which he has slaved for, in exchange for health, to slave yet more,) there are a dozen contrivances and supposed conveniences that can be cheaply imbibed.  What lesson can be inferred save the truth?  That we, the people, are to be sated on bright and shiny toys and clever whimsies, but that the serious business of life, of health, of food and shelter, is to be endlessly ruminated upon by corporation?  Doled out as they see fit, as our Republic sees fit to allow them to see fit.  In what ways is a Republic yet a democracy, if suffering of the people, beyond their own control, is its foundation, and necessary catalyst for its function?

Oh, the horror in truth, so much worse than sarcasm or fiction.

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